You guys, please don't mistake me for a baker. I am a decorator.
As a graphic designer I work creatively with my brain a lot and sometimes I just craaaave making something with my hands. This translates into a lot of things but often time into food.
What can I say, it's so satisfying to make pretty things with my hands.
So when it's time to make a pie, I seize the opportunity to make something pretty.
So here are my trusty tools.
1. Rolling pin
2. Circle Cutout
3. Leaf Cookie Cutters (get this set here)
4. Pie Crust (I don't make my own pie crusts. I buy them)
Remember, I'm here for the decorating part.
And my motto on that stuff is 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.
And if you've ever tasted pre-made crust, you know it ain't broke.
5. A sharp paring knife
6. Pie Plate
7. Crust Saver
I seem to decorate pies differently based on seasons,
but here are my favorite decorating tips!
Pie Roses
As seen per this photo tutorial:
Essential you're just making 4 circles, overlapping them, rolling them into a log, slicing the log in two, making a flat bottom on each rose and then fanning out the 'petals'. And you get two roses per every log you make. Easy as pie. :)
Lattice Crust
(variated sizes)
For a good lattice crust, I like to use a sharp paring knife and just make variated sizes of strips. I think this adds more visual interest. Then just have fun with with. Criss and cross how ever you feel.
Pie Cookie Cutters
These babies make a big impact and make your pie decorating life much easier.
If you wanted to you could just cover the whole pie in cutouts!
My only tip for these is to make the dough thick enough so they don't get crispy.
If your dough is too thin, these guys will tend to burn. Get them here.
For this particular pie, I used all of these decorating tips.
And then the sky's the limit. Just go with whatever you feel looks good!
Next time I might make more of a wreath look with the leaves I think!
And I do have a couple tips on the finishing end to ensure it looks just as pretty baked
as it does pre-baked.
1. Use egg wash. It gives the perfect browning in my opinion.
2. Use coarse sugar. I mean, look at those roses. You can see the coarse sugar on them like tantalizing dew drops. You could obviously skip this step, I just love the way it looks.
3. Use a crust saver (as pictured above in tools). Outer crusts notoriously get too browned before the whole pie is done. You can save the crust from getting too browned if you use it correctly.
And now with out further ado, my favorite Strawberry Rhubarb Pie recipe.
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
For filling:
1 1/4 LB sliced rhubarb (about 4 large stalks)
1 1/4 LB strawberries, sliced
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 tsp lemon juice
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Egg wash: 1 large egg yolk beaten to blend with 1 teaspoon water
Make filling:
Preheat oven to 400°F. Combine first 7 ingredients in large bowl. Toss gently to blend.
Roll out 1 dough disk on floured work surface to 13-inch round.
Transfer to glass pie dish.
Roll out second dough disk on lightly floured surface to 13-inch round. Cut lattice strips or cover and leave venting slits.
Brush egg wash over crust. Bake 20 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F. Bake pie until golden and filling thickens, about 1 hour.
Best served warm with ice cream. :)
Let me know if you make one this weekend for Memorial Day!
And find me on IG and pin an image from this post to enter to win a set of pie cookie cutters!